Sunday, January 23, 2011

Deep in the Heart of Motherhood

As the winter storms are raging, temperatures are dipping below zero and we are stocking up on moisturizing lotions by the barrel, amazing things are happening right before my very eyes that warm every particle of my being.

All of this nasty weather has caused our local schools to close or delay one day after another and require me to work from home to be with the boys. It has been a bit frustrating having to call into work to tell them I will not be present yet another day while everyone else still has to drive in the fairly dangerous conditions. Putting that weird conundrum of feeling guilty and bad about work aside, I have been able to bond with my children during this time of my life when I have needed it the most. Feelings of importance and strict prioritizing have become so clear to me.

I do not think the boys really know what to make of all this time home with Mommy. "I'm home with her, I'm at school, I am back home with her, it's Saturday, no...wait, it's Tuesday....right? Is it? Are we going to school tomorrow?" It's all pretty confusing. Even for me. My little guys who are now 4 and 6 have been instilling a feeling of excitement and rejuvenation in me lately. I am not sure whether it's all the extra time indoors with them, the "no school thrill" or just me not being suppressed by the confines and stresses of being physically present in my current "work situation." I think the distance and absence from the toxins is another positive contributor to my recent state of joy.

For me, it is and should be all about little (clean) fingers in the cookie batter and small bodies climbing up on a big chair to stand on in order to reach the counter to help me make dinner. This week provided me with many gifts of moments like those and others like Charlie's tiny hands holding my face and with his big brown eyes looking into mine, he said "Mommy, you're sooooo cute and your pajamas are so soft." The excited childhood squeal of my six year old when the new Lego set we had ordered came in. Left over from birthday/Christmas returns, this was what he wanted, but had to wait for it to come back into stock. He waited....and waited. When the email finally said it shipped, he counted down every single day. When he woke up in the morning, he would promptly tell me how many days were left until it was delivered. Telling you I was welling up with tears of my own excitement to see how elated he was the night it showed up on our doorstep early, probably does not even give you the depth of what I was feeling at that moment. He shouted "Thank You's" and "Oh My Goodness's" and could not wait another moment to open the box.

The past few weeks will hold memories for me of piggy back rides in 23 inches of snow, teamwork of shoveling the driveway together, sledding, snow angels, time with good friends, random "I love you's" and "I missed you's", puzzles, baking, drawing and coloring pictures. My description would also not be complete without including the incredible amount of time that two boys could possibly play with Legos! Please do not misunderstand me, it has been hairy at times with the typical meltdowns, tears and tug-o-wars over parts and pieces of toys, books or an invasion of their own quiet moments alone with a toy. I truly must admit, I had trials and tribulations (meltdowns) of my own at times. Conference calls while poopie bottoms run out of the bathroom and shouts of frustration are heard in the background because Kyle knocked down a piece of the family room tent we had built earlier. Phone interviews that had to include an explanation of why I needed to continue to put the call on hold to tend to a light saber versus full glass of milk or referee a battle of whether Luke Skywalker could wear Han Solo's Lego pants or not. I have to confess, sometimes all I heard in some of those meetings was Charlie Brown's teacher.

Words and actions mean so much. My children set the precedence for what words really mean for me. I know which ones I can take at face value and which ones they are spewing out at me to get a rise. This is more than I can expect of some adults in my life. I also adore how they use their whole body to tell a story or express their emotion; the shrugged shoulder walk of disappointment, the excited arms and hands flailing around and the jumping up and down in a thrilling moment. They are shy, they are cute, they are impossible, they are restless, they are happy, they are fearless, they are funny, they are cranky, they are sad, they are active and they are relaxed. In their most innocent ways, they are real in every moment. They do not truly know awkward or inappropriate just yet. They just feel and react and love with everything they are. I needed to be closer to them, to knowing, to understanding, to feeling and just being with them. Mother Nature awarded me this invaluable gift of unavoidable closeness and bonding this past week and a half (I hear there may be more nasty weather in store for this week and next) and I am eternally grateful.

With every breath I take, (asthma riddled and all) I love my little boys more and more. So for now, I am soaking in the subtle changes and growth of their little bodies, their expressions and their construction of thoughts. I realize the challenge will continue as I try to balance the work, the weather issues and being completely present with my children, but as long as feety pajamas, thumb wrestling and cuddling are some of the main priorities in this house, we will be happy...and warm this winter.

Saturday, January 15, 2011


There is nothing like a fresh pressed kissed on your cheek from someone that is one of the be-all, end-all people in your world; your sun, moon and stars. This tiny little gesture means so much and gives a warm feeling inside. The little lip puckered push against the side of your face makes you feel loved and makes you feel safe. As adults, we tend to let the moment slip away and we move on with what we were about to do before the peck. But what do my children do? Without much thought, a quick automatic flow of motion of the palm of their hand presses in the smooch so tight. They don't want it to blow away! "Push it in Mommy! Before it goes away! Quick!" The moment means the world to them. The kiss is their way to show this overflow of feelings. You must take that seriously. If only I could think like this.

I say it all the time, how much my children teach me. But the innocence that exudes from their daily habits and thoughts is amazing to me and I want to learn. I hope I am teaching them about common sense and factual information about this world. But in so many ways, I want to reverse my "adultarian" attitude and look at life from their hearts; their gigantic, innocent, full of true love hearts.

My children are truest of true in situations like when they collapse on the dining room floor because they are honestly losing the battle of tired versus awake. "I want tacos!" "I don't want tacos. I wanted milk." "I don't want milk!" "Can I have dessert?" At the end of these types of meltdowns, I find that sometimes I wish I was crying and stamping my feet right with them. But I am the adult keeping composure and patience. Come on, don't you wish you would just give in to the dragon inside you sometimes and just let it all out even if it did not make any sense to anyone else but you?

I love it when the little amazements creep out of my children's thoughts like someone left the door open a crack and I can see the small line of light from the next room. It's a small peek into their sweet & innocent brain playroom. They didn't mean to let me in, but there I am soaking it all in until they realize and slam the door shut. Like tonight, Kyle was so excited to tell me that he knows where the North Pole is. He was so proud and happy about his knowledge about something so important. "Santa lives near Madeline and Dakota. We walk there from their house at Christmas time when we go to tell him what we want for Christmas." He went on with his grand thoughts and details about how cool it is that he lives near us and that it's really not as far away as everyone says. Charlie sat in awe with those big eyes of his fixed on Kyle and hanging on every word that fell out of his mouth about the subject. I was right there with them, in their world of believing this magical place being right here in our very town. There I was in Kyle's brain-playroom. I was in and instead of copping a squat and staying a while, I opened my mouth. In my Mommyness adult-like nature, the door was slammed shut on me when I began to tell them that the North Pole really is far away, that Santa only visits our town at Christmas and meets us at the firehouse near Madeline and Dakota's house each year. I related to him and expressed my true understanding of his ideas. But it was too late and inside, I felt like I was destroying a little bit of innocent childhood thinking.

I believe that singing and laughing are qualities of our childhood that stick around if we let them. They must be the strongest of the traits because as we keep those, we tend to lose and completely forget the others. Today, Kyle and Charlie were playing together and in their own way, added their own soundtrack to those moments of my observation. It wasn't fighting or arguing over a toy, but a sort of music to my ears as they both hummed and sang out little bits and pieces of a song I had never heard before. It was the most beautiful melody I had ever heard and it made me laugh out loud. I think it was actually a few songs all mixed up together and only they knew the words. Who says we need to sing just one song that everyone would know? Kyle was even singing little tunes under his breath as we walked through the grocery store today. Not loud, not obnoxious....just a little sing-song that only he knew. It was precious to me and helped me groove through the aisles a little easier with my little helper.

I don't know, I suppose I just wish I was not as tainted with less than magical thoughts for the majority of my days. So yet again, I am setting out to learn more lessons from my children. To just jump into the snow drifts & make snow angels, to give validation to those thoughts that first come to my mind and to sing my own little tunes throughout my day. Although, I do have to admit that experiencing heart ache, loss, disappointment, pain and fear in my life has definitely given me even more opportunities to appreciate the greatest joys of living; simple moments of singing, tender night time cuddling, laughing, bear hugs, watching Modern Family (the best show on TV) and being invited back to the brain-playroom every once in a while.

(In Loving Memory of Irene Szczesiul; a woman who gave her whole heart and soul to her Husband, Children, Family & Friends. We will miss you on this earth.)

Friday, January 7, 2011


His small gentle pointer finger traced the outline my face then came around down to the tip of my nose and then back up around again. In the night-lighted quiet room at bedtime, I could tell he was building up to say something. He whispered words that I could just about hear. "Mommy, do you wish your Grover doll was never broken? Do you wish that little boy did not break the pull string? Did you tell him that he should not pull it so hard? Did you tell him to be gentle?" Out of the blue, these thoughts and feelings rushed out of my little-almost-six-year-old boy in this special moment before he drifted off to sleep. He looked deep into my eyes awaiting my response. I was taken aback by the thought process and the emotion that he was feeling at that moment. I whispered back to him that I really loved that Grover doll so much and even though my friend's little brother pulled that string hard enough to break his talking Grover voice, I still kept him all these years because he was so special to me. He smiled, but not completely satisfied with my answer, he continued. "But maybe next year, you could ask Santa for another Grover with a pull string. Maybe the elves could make you a new one that talks just like yours used to." "Maybe." I said. "But I still love my Grover, even though he doesn't talk anymore." He smiled again and gave me a big hug and kiss. We said goodnight and I left the room. Only moments later, I heard him snoring on the monitor.

I cannot stop thinking about new beginnings, clean slates, change and second chances lately. It's hard not to when it's a huge part of my life as it stands right now. Maybe that is what Santa represents for our children. It's a chance for new toys, new ideas, new games and new challenges. In the case of Grover, it's a possibility of a second chance for a talking Grover doll!! A new year also brings another chance for change and new ideas! How exciting. I am not sure if you can sense my tone of sarcasm or not. Trust me, it's there. Clean slate. New Beginnings. Hmmmm.... It's not so scary anymore as it is annoying to me now. It's feelings of uncertainty and feeling like I am going in the wrong direction that makes it the most annoying. As everyone around me was making their new years resolutions, I was going down my list of possibilities and realizing I had no resolutions for the new year. I was unable to commit to anything in my own mind.

Then this week, full of possibilities, crazy schedules, birthday parties, planning, dentist appointments and swim class swacked me upside the head with the obvious. I know I write and talk about my children a lot, but truly, my heart's focus is on them. No matter what the world throws at me, I am centered by the smiles of my boys. And so in the face of uncertainty in my life and through my recent feelings of unimportance and sarcasm, I bust through with my truest of true resolution; to be there for my children as they are there for me. Through the crazy this week, it was a realization of the routine moments that hit me hard. A little tiny hand always automatically reaches up for mine as we walk side by side in our hallway, at school, in the store. Random, out-of-the-blue thoughts said out loud of "I love you Mommy." The other night in the car on the way to a birthday party, Charlie told me he really liked being with me. I watched in awe of my little 4 year old as he and my husband played and rolled around the other day. What a special moment that was for them and I was lucky enough to look on. I was amazed when I actually paid attention at how much I really laughed out loud this week. With comments like "Actually Daddy, I'm not back in business." and "I can't take it anymore. I'm dying over here I am just so thirsty." and after I told Kyle I thought he was cute, he non excitedly said "Yay. My Mom thinks I'm cute." I never knew that it was actually a cartridge in a pear tree and that Indiana Jones is actually an Indian. Hug after hug and laugh after laugh, my children make me the happiest I have ever been.

So I have made up my mind and decided my new years resolution is to SUCK IT UP! Even among all of the smoke and mirrors around me, the crap, the paths unknown and that feeling of self-unimportance, I will just simply enjoy the happy routine, the laughing and little hands reaching for mine. For one day, my children will break up with me and the routine will be so different. My dream career will wait for me.

As I sit here thinking of all the tasks I need to be doing right now to prepare for Kyle's sixth birthday party tomorrow, I had to take a moment in between headaches to kick out a word or two as it is my therapy. After this week and this day and a good talk with a dear friend, I needed a session. So thank you, as always for reading, supporting and humoring me. Some day, I will be able to write for a living. For now, I will take pleasure in the joy right in front of me.