Kyle just started riding a bike for the first time this summer. I could not get him to ride a two wheeler bike (with training wheels) for the longest time. He would get on the bike and give it one or two pushes and then give up saying it was just too hard for him. But yet, he would always ride the tricycles at school with his friends, no problem.
It was a very exciting time one day when I said I would take out my bike from the shed. (thinking maybe that would get him motivated if he saw me riding) We cleaned off my bike together and made it shine. Then we cleaned off his bike together and made it really shine and sparkle. Kyle was so very proud. I will never forget the look on his face and how he kept saying that was his bike. But he still was a little apprehensive to ride it. So I started to ride my bike around the driveway. Kyle looked almost amazed that his Mommy was riding a real bike. The wind was blowing through my hair and my legs had a weird feeling in them...hmmm, could it be exercise? :) I felt like a kid again, myself. Before I knew it, Kyle hopped on his bike, helmet and all and started to pedal away and off he went. He was riding around the driveway like a pro! My little guy was riding a bike.
A few days ago, my little one; Charlie saw Kyle on his bike. He started to take out the other bike
we have of the same size. I told Charlie that bike might be too big for him right now. But he didn't care.
He tried and tried to get it out anyway. So I helped him and we put on his helmet. And he looked up at me
with the biggest smile and then looked at the bike. I helped him on and he tried to push those pedals
with his little feet. He tried and tried. But he couldn't get it. And then just like Kyle did, he gave up.
I told him not to give up so easily. I encouraged him to keep trying and that I knew he could do it.
I helped him by pedaling his feet with my hands and pushing the bike along. He kept saying "I'm riding a bike,
Mommy. I'm riding a BIKE!" Then he stopped off at the little inlet of our driveway; a place the two of
them fondly call Stew Leonards when they are playing pretend. He jumped off the bike, asked me to take his
helmet off and quickly ran toward the garage in such a hurry. He stopped before he got to the garage.
He quickly whipped around and put his hands up in the air and shouted at the top of his lungs "Mommy!!!!
THAT WAS TOTALLY WICKED!!!!" and he went back to his mission of whatever urgent nature it was. (that line,
by the way, is from The Incredibles) But it was still just the best feeling to see how excited he was and that he
used that movie phrase in the right context. Very cool.
Today was the big movie day. We took them to see the double feature of Toy Story I and II. It was amazing for this
event to happen considering this is one of their favorite movies!!!! They were beyond excited to hear it was coming
to the movies!!!! While in the theater, I wanted to just keep watching their faces more than the movie. They know all
the words by heart and still belly laugh at all the same parts. When my husband took Kyle to the bathroom at intermission,
he told him he was having a great time. Charlie would lean over every once in a while and ask a question or tell me something
about the movie "Buzz is sad because he's not a space ranger." Kyle would shout out during the movie with so much
excitement. I would look at him and he would put his hand over his mouth with a smile, knowing he was supposed to be
quiet. We would just smile and he would say "sorry!" Who knew the movies could be sooooo special and magical! ha.
It's these magical moments that make me appreciate life and appreciate all that I have in my family.
I used to think that magic was just about being a kid, or finding my prince charming. But now I know it's about so many
other ordinary things in every day life. A first bike ride, a feeling of accomplishment, a favorite movie on the
big screen and sharing a smile. This is my life. And ya know what? I think it's just TOTALLY WICKED!!!! :)
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