"Just take it easy, let them play and let them have fun. They remember this time of their life. You don't think so, but as years go by,...like me....I think about what I did when I was a kid all the time; the things I did with my Mother and games and toys I played with. This is when you are making really good memories with your kids and they will look back on them some day. Just take care of yourself and your children. Don't over do it. When they get you mad, just sit down with them and take a minute to be with them. Quiet. Just remember, they are kids and they will act like it." - My Grandma (My Mommy's Mommy)
I have been overwhelmed with events lately. Not your every day, normal events like work dinners, PTO meetings and playdates, but more like crazy life events. Memorable milestone events that will go down in Mommy history.
I finished up my part time job as an HR Specialist on Friday. It was a pretty big deal for me since I have been in Human Resources for about 15 years and when I started this part time position, Kyle was only an infant - 18 weeks old, to be exact. I had made good friends while in this role and really did not think I was ready to move on. But as the decision was made for me and I realized that my interest level and patience with it all had diminished, I was accepting of new opportunities. But the fear of the unknown was hanging over my head. I started my new position at the same company on Monday. From the moment I stepped out of my car in a new town, I heard jazz music being played along the side of the building as I walked in. The welcoming voices of the excited team that I would now be working for greeted me and I immediately felt really happy. For the first time, I was actually enthusiastic about this new direction my life was taking.
In the midst of these changes, I was blessed with conversations with other women and men in the workforce with whom I felt connected to. Other Moms that had been through what I am going through now. I listened to their passion and drive about wanting to spend quality time with their children, wanting to still work and be fulfilled in a professional capacity, wanting to juggle it all in order to be there for their kids and being the best Mom they could be. The women were either in the middle of this Mommy dilemma or spoke of their days of young parenthood and the sacrifices they made in order to stay home with their children all while still maintaining their professional standing and reputation. It was so encouraging to hear other women speak of their paths, hard decisions and new doors that opened for them. I was enlightened and refreshed with these perspectives and I truly cherish those conversations more than they probably know. It really helped me to see that I am not alone and that what I truly desire more than anything really can be obtained. It was the power of these conversations that gave me even more strength to just be ME. And as I sit here quickly writing this now, I am thankful for the moments of quiet and the moments of crazy with my children because I AM with them because I stuck to my guns and kept after what is truly important...these precious times of their young lives.
Each little spec of wisdom is so important to gather. No matter where we get it from, we need to keep a virtual basket with us and put that wisdom in. The cool thing is that the specs grow and multiply and feed off of each other and they make us who we are. We can pull from that basket any time. I guess we should not be afraid to ever share our own wisdom with others. We may not think what we have to say is very powerful, but just by chance; someone else may have their heart open and ready to hear what you have to say. They may be standing there waiting with their basket, collecting, cherishing and remembering the words that you said.
Other recent events of mine include time outs, behavior charts, Lego-banning, potty talk, disrespectful words and just blatant misbehavior. Over any job I have ever had, I am most challenged in the role of Mom at this particular time of my life.... more than ever. My husband and I face our four-year-old head on every day and try our best to manage and stay in control of the situation. But I confess right here, right now.... it is so hard. I have been crawling into bed at 9:00pm each night absolutely exhausted, feeling like I have been run over by Thomas the Train. I feel like I have tried every tactic to get him to listen and to behave. Sometimes the tactics work, sometimes.... not so much. And sometimes, for absolute sure, this child is definitely THE cutest thing in sneakers. He can melt my heart with the drop of a hat. He can be so good and well-behaved and then suddenly like a flick of a switch.....goodbye cute and cuddly. So for those of you reading right now.... if anyone is out there with any advice for me at this trying time of '4 year old vs Mommy', I am here. I am desperate. I am hoping for answers. I am begging for wisdom. My basket is open. Thank you.
I've said this before...your writing touches me, it's so poignant...and I'm not even a Mom! Keep us the good work, Patti :):) -KB
ReplyDeleteOn another note, so glad that you're off to a great start with your new job! -KB