As many of you may know, Julie is blogging her experiences in cooking each recipe from one of Julia Child's cook books. She goes through many ups and downs and blogs her way through it all. They also show Julia Child's story and how the two lives parallel. Julie was a writer and really wished she could make a living doing something she loved to do. In the end, she was published and as we all know, so was Julia Child. Someday, I hope to have the same dream come true.
It was pretty exciting for me (the now blogger) to see how this simple love of writing and food became an outlet for this character to express herself. Her heart and her passion really motivated her to document her experiences and she was excited to share it all. Maybe some sort of a sign for me? Probably not, since I went to the movie on my own accord. It's not like I was walking down the street and someone fell right in front of me and held up a monitor with the movie playing on it.
I was extremely moved during one portion of the movie. A song started to play and I immediately knew the song. Right then, I was five years old again. Except this time, I had a huge lump in my throat and tears flowing down my cheeks. The song...was A Bushel and a Peck. My Grandmother used to sing me this song when I was little. As we got older, it was reduced to just "I love you a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck." I didn't even remember there was a song. In fact, I still say it to my kids all the time. "I love you a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck." When I heard the song, I instantly remembered the words to a song that were lost in my sub conscience somewhere. Right down to the doodle-doo-doo-doo-dooo-doo..... I had such a warm and loving wooosh of warm air come over me like she was hugging me from heaven. I cannot believe I had forgotten that song from so long ago. I came home and downloaded the song by Doris Day from iTunes. My Grandmother listened to Doris Day? Anyway, so very special. Such a powerful moment for me during a powerful movie for me.
By the way, since I had a girls night tonight and went to the movies, I did not get to take part in the night time routine. My husband; who was not feeling well, had to give in and put Charlie's CD player back in his room with Toy Story playing. He said Charlie gave him some trouble and he just could not go on like the previous nights. In the end, they were both so tired, they barely wanted to read a book and Kyle even said "I just would like to go to bed now." And he got into bed all by himself. Charlie just wanted and needed the CD player. My husband (I'll call him B) turned it on and he's been in bed ever since. Maybe tomorrow night, I will sing Charlie to sleep with Bushel and a Peck. Just might work with an angel on his shoulder. Maybe this is the missing link to getting him to sleep easier.
Thank you all for your love and support as I go through each process of learning and understanding life. Thank you all for reading.
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